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  => 8 Juin 2009.
  => Archives Mai 2009.
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  => Intervention pour Wangdue.
  => Tibet: un juge espagnol.
  => Une Tibétaine aux Européennes.
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  A.G. de l'APACT 16 Mai 2009.
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  Déclaration Universelle des Droits de l'Homme.
  Discours de Mr Badinter le 14 Mars 2015
  Prisonniers Tibétains
  Seisme du Népal 2015
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  10 Mars 2017 à Pau
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  10 Mars 2021 Un drapeau pour le Tibet
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  Indiens de Bodhgaya
  Visite du Sikyong Penpa Tsering (1er Ministre Tibétain) à Mainpat
  Un bilan très positif de nos actions à Mainpat en 2021
  Mainpat 2023 OPH (old people home)
  Commémoration du soulèvement tibétain le 10 Mars 2023 à Dharamsala
  Adivasis Mainpat 2023
  Ecole du camp 1 Mainpat 2023
  Danses sacrées du Cham Mainpat 2023
  Free Tibet encore et toujours
  Le monastère de Bodhgaya a organisé une distribution
  Commémoration du soulèvement tibétain le 10 Mars 2024
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  Rénovation de la cantine de l'école du Camp 1 de Mainpat
  Remerciements à Evelyne et Colette
  Compte rendu de la reunion avec le Sykiong Penpa Tsering à Paris au bureau de la "maison du Tibet" le Samedi 18 Mai
Version originale.

Vendredi 17 Avril.

Tibetans condemn the death sentences passed by China.

15 April, Dharamsala: Tibetan NGOs condemn the recent death sentences passed by China. We are gravely concerned about the fate of Lobsang Gyaltsen and Loyak who were given death sentences, Tenzin Phuntsok and
Kangtsuk who were given suspended death sentences with two-year reprieves, and Dawa Sangpo who was given a life sentence. The Lhasa Municipal Intermediate people’s Court tried and sentenced these five Tibetans in three separate cases related to arson attacks in March 2008 in Lhasa.

A report released by Human Rights Watch in March 2009 concludes that the process of trials and imprisonment in Tibet over the past year has been politically motivated and that the "principle of independence of the judiciary is thoroughly undermined by leadership's demand that court and police tailor their actions to political requirements."

Ven. Ngawang Woeber, the President of Guchusum ex-political prisoners’ movement said, “Political prisoners were never given free and fair trials in Tibet. These sentences are part of widespread and violent campaign by the Chinese authorities to punish and silence any Tibetan who dares to speak out against Chinese rule. Therefore, harshest of
punishments were given to Tibetans but despite knowing their fate Tibetans defy this and speak out their demand for Independence.”

We urge the Supreme People’s Court to repeal the death sentences passed on above Tibetans. The authorities should give free and fair trials to all the five Tibetans according to the international judicial standards.

Tenzin Choeying, the National Director of Students for a Free Tibet said, “The Chinese authorities routinely deny Tibetans their basic legal rights and protections within the so-called judicial system in China and there is no reason for us to believe the cases of Lobsang Gyaltsen and Loyak are any different.”

Chinese government’s second class treatment of Tibetans is appalling. We call on the authorities to respect human rights and give rights to all the detained Tibetans to independently choose their own lawyers, as per their written report two-year human rights action plan issued on on 13th April 2009. Therefore, we urge the Chinese authority toimplement this to the Tibetans who were recently sentenced. Chinese lawyers who last year offered to help Tibetans were threatened recently not to help Tibetans or else they might lose their registration to practice law.

We also declare Friday, the 17th of April 2009, the global day of action on the unjust trials of the five Tibetans. We appeal all the Tibetans and their supporters to speak out and give voices to the voiceless Tibetans.

Tibetan NGOs would like to appeal all the freedom loving people of the world to kindly engage the Chinese and express their grave concern to the Chinese government that international judicial standards have not been upheld in the trial processes. We also appeal everyone to write to international bodies and governments particularly to the Chinese authorities.

By Tibetan People’s Uprising Movement
Represented by:

. Tibetan Women's Association

. National Democratic Party of Tibet

. Guchusum Ex-political Prisoners' Movement

. Students for a Free Tibet - India


Association Humanitaire exclusivement composée de bénévoles qui vient en aide aux réfugiés tibétains qui mènent la vie de l'exil et du dénuement dans les camps installés depuis 60 ans en INDE et au NEPAL.

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Hommage à Phurbu Dolma

Beru Khyentse Rinpoche à Pau Aout 2013

Prisonniers Tibétains

Discours de Monsieur Robert BADINTER, Ancien Ministre de la Justice Lors du RASSEMBLEMENT EUROPEEN POUR LE TIBET à PARIS le 14 mars 2015.


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